Monday, October 21, 2013

For Grade 1 and 4 students-----Notes of collecting urine sample

Grade 1  and 4 students only

Notes of collecting urine sample:

Tuesday night: The night before collection the urine sample
1. The kid should NOT have any medicine, drinks and food which contain Vitamin C the night before the kid collects the urine test.
2. Urinate before going to sleep.

Wednesday morning October 23rd
1.The kid should collect the urine sample right after he/she wakes up in the morning.
2. Don’t collect the first part of urine that comes out.  Please collect a sample of urine “mid-stream” in a disposable container.
4. Fill the plastic tube with urine sample until it is 80% full.
3. Screw the lid of the container shut

1. The kid should bring the tube with urine sample in it to the school.  It is suggested that the kid can put the tube into a small zipper storage bag. 
2. Please collect the urine sample Wednesday Morning. (October 23rd )

Please click the following address for more pictures which show you how to collect the urine sample.

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